
Farmer Festival & Agri-Expo Briefing: link

Farmer Festical

Free tickets for farmers are available from our Garden Centres in Nyanga and Khayelitsha.

The sign in form for stallholders is at  https://forms.gle/92umdqtREKjER6V29.   Stalls are filling up fast so get in while the getting is good!

Note: there are a maximum of 1600 farmer/visitor tickets available and place for between 20-40 stallholders.  

This is a micro & small farming movement event. All are welcome who are organic micro-small farmers and service providers or who are concrete supporters of the local movement.

Any questions?  E-mail rob@abalimi.org.za

The spirit of Moya We Khaya organic garden keeps giving

The spirit of Moya We Khaya organic garden keeps giving

People are not inherently poor, nor are they destined to remain so. 

The Farm and Garden National Trust was established to raise funds to spread knowledge, expertise and resources to emerging micro-farmers and gardeners in South Africa. Through the correct resources, training and assessment, all South Africans can live healthy lives of meaning and independence.

There exists a tremendous need throughout the country for support, assistance and funding for community-based projects in poor and needy communities, particularly self-help projects involving micro-farming (organic and bio-dynamic gardening and small farming).

Trust Founder Rob Small says ‘My colleagues and I at the Farm and Garden National Trust have proven over and over again that starvation is entirely avoidable, even in the worst situations, if people are given just a bit of land, some seed and some water. We have gone on to prove that it is even possible to create one full-time job on as little as 500 square meters (and less) of land.

The Farm and Garden National Trust aims to:

• Eradicate poverty: On 100m2 it is possible to grow all the fresh food a family of five needs, year round. With a bit of training, such micro-farms can also provide many income generation opportunities.

• Foster employment: 500m2 of land can create one full time job, plus many other spin-off income earning opportunities.

• Improve people’s physical and social health: People’s overall health and wellbeing will improve through their eating of organically grown vegetables and their physical participation in cooperative micro-farming projects.

• Protect the environment: The Trust helps to improve the environment and also help reduce the carbon footprint through supporting organic methods of farming and local production.

Become part of the solution – join us by donating, bequeathing and volunteering.